The seaborn.objects interface



Sungkyun Cho


February 11, 2023

The seaborn.objects interface

The grammer of graphics의 데이터 시각화 이론을 잘 반영하고 있으며 아직 발전 중

기존 seaborn modules을 완전히 대체하지는 못하므로 필요시 병행하여 사용

v0.12.0 (September 2022)

Introduction of the objects interface

This release debuts the seaborn.objects interface, an entirely new approach to making plots with seaborn. It is the product of several years of design and 16 months of implementation work. The interface aims to provide a more declarative, composable, and extensible API for making statistical graphics. It is inspired by Wilkinson’s grammar of graphics, offering a Pythonic API that is informed by the design of libraries such as ggplot2 and vega-lite along with lessons from the past 10 years of seaborn’s development.


The objects interface is currently experimental and incomplete. It is stable enough for serious use, but there certainly are some rough edges and missing features.